Info & Service

You have questions about the Youth Days of the Oberammergau Passion Play? Here you will find the answers to all your questions about the Youth Days.

General Information about the Youth Days 2022

When will the Youth Days take place?

The Youth Days will take place from 06 to 09 May, 2022. You can either visit the Passion Play (final rehearsal) on Saturday, 07 or Sunday, 08 May, 2022.

When does the Passion Play takes place?


Saturday, 07. resp. Sunday, 08. May, 2022

1st part 2.30 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.
2nd part 8 p.m. – 10.30 p.m.

Is the Passion Play available in other languages?

The shows will be exclusively in German.

You can buy text books in English, French and Spanish on the day of the performance.

Where do I find a seat map?

You find a seat map as PDF download here.

Are there any restrictions due to Covid-19?

Protection of the health of guests and participants is essential for us as the organizer. We therefore will take all necessary measures for the protection against infection in order to enable the safe preparation and performance of the event.

We, as the organizer, are subject to the current Bavarian Regulation on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases. You can find the current regulations here: Please navigate to "Fremdsprachliche Fassungen der BayIfSMV" to view the translated regulations.

Currently, there are no more access restrictions for your theatre visit. The mask requirement also no longer applies. All seats in the theatre can be occupied.

The current status of the infection control measures and any further rules of conduct will be made available at i.a. the Information Centre, the box office, the baggage drop-off and on our website

Please inform yourself independently and on your own responsibility about the current status of the measures taken and the applicable rules of conduct before attending the event.

Accompanying program

Will there be an introduction?

During the Youth Days, introductions as well as a look behind the scenes will be offered. Experience on site interesting facts and background information about the current Passion Play and its almost 400-year history from Play director Christian Stückl and the performers.

Saturday, May 07
11 a.m. Introduction and guided tour behind the scenes - meeting point foyer

Sunday, May 08
12 p.m. Introduction and guided tour behind the scenes - meeting point foyer

Will there be an opportunity for exchange about the Play with the participants?

After the performance, there will be a discussion with director Christian Stückl and participants from the Play in the small tent behind the Passion Play Theatre on Saturday, May 7, as well as on Sunday, May 8.

Is something more happening on the Youth Days?

After the Play, there will be an after-show party on Saturday and Sunday in the marquee next to the Passion Play Theatre.

On Sunday, there will be a Jewish morning prayer at 10 a.m. followed by a discussion in the Passion Play Theatre.

Tickets and accomodation


The youth days cost between 8-24€ per ticket, depending on the category. You must be between 16-28 years old. One ticket includes a visit to a final rehearsal of the Passion Play on the respective day of validity as well as a visit to the accompanying program.

For groups there is a care formula of 10:1, which means that for every 10 young adults between 16 and 28 years one older accompanying person can participate. This person pays the same discounted rate. Each additional accompanying person who is not covered by the care formula must pay a surcharge of €50 (plus €5 administration fee). Young people under the age of 18 must nominate a supervisor of full age and carry a written declaration of consent from their legal guardian.

Tickets with accomodation in hotels, guesthouses and holiday apartements

You can book a ticket with accommodation in a hotel, guesthouse or holiday flat. Depending on the accommodation and ticket category, this costs between €31 and €92 (plus booking fee).

Private accomodation

The Youth Days are a place for exchange and encounter. The easiest way to show hospitality is to stay in a private accommodation. Private accommodations are simple sleeping places in private households, which are offered by people from Oberammergau out of hospitality. This can be for example guest beds, couches or sofa beds - similarly as also friends or relatives are accommodated. If possible, a small breakfast is offered.

You will be informed in good time before the Youth Days where you will be staying.


If you would like to camp during the Youth Days, please contact the Camping Park Oberammergau:


On Saturday and Sunday, the marquee next to the Passion Play Theatre is open from 10 am to 2 pm. Food and drinks can be purchased there.

During the intermission (approx. 5 to 8 p.m.), there will be a selection of hot dishes (menu) at 5€ and drinks at 2€.


How do I get to Oberammergau?

You can find informationen about arrival and departure here.

Where do I park my car?

There are two large Park & Ride car parks, which you can reach via the signs "P&R Süd" and "P&R Nord". The parking fee is 5€/day. You can purchase parking tickets directly on site or book them online in advance here. The parking tickets are valid on both car parks and entitle the holder to re-entry during the intermission, for example. They are only valid for one day. Multi-day tickets are not available. 

Shuttle buses (blue line) will run from the Park & Ride car parks to the event site.

Please note that the centre of Oberammergau is in parts completely closed to traffic and no parking spaces are available there for visitors to the Passion Play.

A limited number of parking spaces are available for people with disabilities near the Passion Play Theatre. As a parking permit you will need the blue parking permit for persons with disabilities of the European Union.


How does the admittance to the Passion Play area work?

Upon presentation of your ticket and ID (age check), you will be granted access to the Passion Play Theatre grounds and then to the Passion Play Theatre. Please ensure sufficient time (at least 2 hours before the start of the Play).

Are there any admission checks?

Before you enter the Passion Play Theatre area there will be admission controls. Bag and body checks may be carried out as part of the admission checks. These are to be tolerated to an appropriate extent. Admission into the theatre is only permitted of a valid ticket. The ticket must be shown at the entrance of the theatre. Admission checks will take place.

Do I need an identity card to my personalized ticket?

Admission is only permitted upon presentation of a valid ticket for the performance day. The name of the visitor must be entered on the back of the ticket. At the request of the admission staff, the identity card must be presented in order to check whether the person entered on the ticket is the same as the ticket holder entering the theatre. For safety reasons, the Passionsspiele Oberammergau Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG must have all the names of the visitors.

During the performance, the ticket must be carried at all times and presented on request.

Commercial sale of the ticket is not permitted.

When starts the admission to the Passion Play Theatre?

Admission to the Passion Play Theatre takes place approx. 30 minutes before the start of the performance. The seat must be taken 15 minutes before the beginning of the performance.

Please note: Admission is not possible after the start of the performance.

We recommend you to count in at least 1 hour for identity checks.

What do I do if I lost my ticket?

In case of ticket loss you will receive a duplicate of your ticket at the office (Dorfstraße 3) or via phone +49 (0)8822 835 93 30 for a fee with corresponding proof.

In the Theatre

How shall I be dressed?

Please note that the Passion Play Theatre is an openair stage with roofed seats. Therefore, please wear seasonal comfortable and weather-depending clothing. Wardrobe can be left in a baggage drop-off point on site. Blankets will be provided for you on site.

Which objects are permitted in the theatre?

The following objects are not permitted in the event venue (theatre):

  • Food and drinks not purchased at the venue. Plastic bottles of up to 0.5 litres are excluded.
  • Bags exceeding DIN A4 format (21cm x 29,7 cm)
  • Pyrotechnic material (e.g. fireworks)
  • Weapons
  • Hiking sticks and cane umbrellas
  • Other dangerous objects


Only resealable beverage bottles (no glas!) up to 0,5 litre and mini umbrellas may be taken into the theatre. Prohibited objects can be deposited in a luggage storage point on site.

Blankets and seat cushions that can be folded to A4 size may be brought into the theatre. Blankets are available on loan in the theatre.

During performances any electronic devices (e.g. mobile phone, smartphone, tablet) must be set up in such a way that they do not interfere with the performance by sound, vibration or light signals (airplane mode).

As a disabled person, may I bring a support?

Please note that admission is only possible for persons with a valid ticket. Accompanying persons should contact the office in advance.

Are sound, film, photo and video recordings permitted?

Sound, film, photo and video recordings of any kind are prohibited at the venue for copyright reasons. Recording equipment and cameras of any kind brought along must be returned to the baggage drop-off points for storage for a fee.

Is smoking allowed?

Smoking is forbidden in the theatre but it is okay at the event area.

May I bring pets?

Animals are prohibited in the Passion Play Theatre. In particular, dogs must not be taken along.

Where do I find the house rules?

Further information can be found online in the house rules.

In Oberammergau

Where do I find the Tourist Information?

Tourist-Information Oberammergau
Eugen-Papst-Str. 9a, 82487 Oberammergau
Tel. +49 (0)8822 / 92 27 40​

Opening hours (subject to change)
May 14th to August 14th, 2022
Monday & Wednesday: 9 am to 6 pm
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9 am to 7.30 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10 am to 7.30 pm

August 15th to October 2nd, 2022
Monday & Wednesday: 9 am to 6 pm
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9 am to 6.30 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10 am to 6.30 pm

Is there an exhibition accompanying the Passion Play in the Oberammergau Museum?

(IM)MATERIELL– Stoff, Körper, Passion
(IM)MATERIAL –  fabrics, body and passion
Eine Gebäude- und Rauminstallation zur Passion 2022
A building and room installation for the Passion Play 2022

April 23, 2022 - October 16, 2022

The Oberammergau Museum is one of the oldest and most beautiful cultural history museums in Bavaria. A part of the museum will be rebuilt with the laminated folk costumes of the Passion Plays 2000 and 2010. The interior, which is thus covered, will become a space for experience and reflection. A large part of the small sculptures in the collection from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries depict the birth, life, suffering, death and resurrection of Christ. Through veiling, alienation and light projections, the view is directed to individual exhibits. The path begins in the nativity scenes department, leads through the historical rooms, which were furnished in 1910, and ends in a large room installation. The visitor enters and leaves the alienated area again and again. The museum becomes a place of reflection on one's own imprints, fears, ideas and the question of redemption. Finally, each visitor receives a small piece of fabric from the former costumes of the people of Jerusalem as a symbol of (im)material exchange and community between people.

Oberammergau Museum
Dorfstr. 8
82487 Oberammergau
+49 (0)8822 94136

Opening hours

23.4. – 13.5.2022 10am – 5pm
14.5. - 14.8.2022 on performance days 9am-2pm and 5pm – 7.30pm
15.8. – 2.10.2022 on performance days 9am-1.30pm and 4pm-6.30pm
On days without performance 9am - 6pm
3.10. – 16.10.2022 10am – 5pm (Tue-So)

Exhibition and shop at the Passion Play Theatre:
on performance days 9am - 2pm and 5pm - 8pm
on days without performances 9am - 6pm

Entrance fee
Single price museum regular: € 3,50, with ticket Passion Play/Youth Days € 2,50 
child: € 1,50

Guided exhibition and village tours

Please contact us at +49 (0)8822 94136 or get more information at